pp108 : Managing Platform Properties

Managing Platform Properties

This topic describes the procedure to manage Platform properties using Management Console.

Before you begin this task:

  • Access Management Console and connect to LDAP as an authenticated user.
  • You must have the role of a systemAdmin to manage Platform Properties

The Platform Properties are used to start the system resources that are crucial to perform certain administrative tasks. The corresponding file for these properties is wcp.properties and is located at the following path:  <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/config folder

You can manage Platform Properties by adding a property, modifying the name and value of a property, and deleting an unnecessary property.

  • To add a property, do the following:
    1. Click Platform Properties in the Management Console window.
    2. Click on the toolbar. The Add Property window appears.
    3. Type the Name and Value for the property, and click OK. The new property appears in the list of properties in the Platform Properties page.
  • To modify a property, double-click the property which you want to modify, make the necessary modifications to the Name and Value of the property, and click OK. The modifications to the property appear in the Platform Properties page.
  • To delete a property, select the property which you want to delete, and click on the toolbar. The selected property is deleted from the list in the Platform Properties page.
  • Click , to save the changes to the wcp.properties file.

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Related reference

Platform Properties